What is contentful paint?


What is contentful paint? What is a good LCP score? How do I fix the largest contentful paint? What is a good largest contentful paint?

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), also called "Largest Content Painting Time" in Turkish, is a performance metric that measures how quickly a web page can deliver content to the user. LCP is important in terms of SEO as a factor affecting user experience. Because Google also wants the user experience to be positive when ranking websites or pages on websites.

LCP measures the time it takes for the largest visual or text element (largest content) in a web page's loading process to become visible to the user. When users open a web page, slow loading content can negatively impact the user experience and cause them to have to wait for the page to load completely.

LCP helps web developers and performance optimization to improve user experience by measuring the time users can access the main content. A good LCP duration generally aims to keep the time it takes for users to view content to be under 2 seconds. People generally respond more positively to pages that load quickly and stay on those pages longer. Users respond more positively to pages that load faster, which increases user satisfaction.

Largest Contentful Paint

How to Measure Largest Contentful Paint?
You can follow the steps below to measure the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) ratio of your website:

-Using Browser Developer Tools: You can use browser developer tools to measure LCP. They are usually located in the “Review” or “Developer Tools” section of the browser. For Chrome, you can open the developer tools by right-clicking and selecting “Inspect” or using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows) or Command+Option+I (Mac).

-Choosing the Performance Tab: When the developer tools are opened, there is usually a series of tabs. From here, select the “Performance” or “Performance” tab.

-Start Recording: When the Performance tab opens, click the “Record” or “Start” button to start recording. This means the browser will start tracking page loading and collect performance data.

Loading the Page: After starting the recording, load the web page you want to test. The browser will track the page's loading progress and record performance metrics.

-Finding the LCP Value: After the page is completely loaded, you can find the LCP metric in the Performance tab of the developer tools. This is often displayed as a timeline or performance graph. The LCP metric represents the time during which the largest content of the page becomes visible to the user. You can measure and report this time.

Developer tools may have different placements in different browsers and versions, but in general the steps above describe the process to follow to measure LCP. Additionally, web performance testing tools can also be used to measure LCP and other performance metrics. These tools can provide more detailed reports and can be useful for evaluating performance improvements.

How to Improve Largest Contentful Paint Value?
Some methods that can be applied in cases where the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) value is high are as follows:

-Using Caching and Compression: You can ensure that content loads quickly by caching page content and using server-side compression. This helps the browser download content faster and reduce LCP time.

-Using Optimized Images: Large or slow-loading images may negatively impact LCP time. By optimizing images, you can reduce file size and make them load faster. Saving images in the most appropriate format with appropriate compression methods and removing unnecessary pixels is important to improve LCP.

-Priority Loading: Instead of loading all the content on the page at the same time, you can use priority loading techniques to load the important content first. For example, you can use techniques such as loading resource files asynchronously or dynamically calling important content. Priority loading delays the loading time of content that is not visible at the beginning of the page and speeds up the user's access to the page. This way you can reduce the LCP time.

-Using Browser Caching: Browsers cache page resources, allowing them to load faster. By using browser caching mechanisms, you can make the page load faster and reduce the LCP time.

-Optimization of Client and Server Resources: By optimizing client-side (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and server-side resources, you can ensure that these files load faster. For example, you can remove unnecessary code, merge files

You can perform ir and minify (code compression) operations.

-Using CDN (Content Delivery Network): Content delivery network (CDN) allows servers to be located in different geographical locations and ensures that content is delivered closer to users. This can make content load faster and reduce LCP time.

-Improving Connection Speed and Internet Infrastructure: If users have a slow internet connection or poor internet infrastructure, which can negatively affect the LCP value, the user experience may be negatively affected. You can take measures to improve internet speed, such as using a CDN, using optimized images, and using data compression techniques.

-Improving Web Hosting Speed: By using a fast and reliable web hosting service, you can reduce server-side response time and ensure that content is served to users faster. A good web hosting service can significantly improve LCP time.

-Enable JavaScripts and Reduce Execution Time: One way to improve LCP is to enable JavaScripts to load and execute quickly. It is important to minimize the size of JavaScript files, ensure they are loaded only when necessary, and use appropriate techniques to reduce execution time.

To improve the LCP value, it is important to review the performance and loading times of the entire web page. It will be useful to perform regular performance analyzes to monitor and test the impact of the changes you will make on the LCP.

Google Core Web Vitals
LCP is part of a set of user experience metrics called Google's Core Web Vitals. By evaluating LCP duration, Google can affect the performance and ranking of web pages. Therefore, web developers need to consider LCP. Besides LCP, Google Core Web Vitals is used with two other performance metrics.

Google Core Web Vitals

-First Input Delay (FID): Measures the browser's response time when the user makes the first interaction with an element on a web page (such as clicking a button). Ideally, the FID duration should be below 100 milliseconds.

-Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures the amount of visual instability experienced by the user when the contents are unexpectedly shifted while loading a web page. CLS is measured at a low value where changes in the layout of the contents do not disturb the user when the page is loaded. Ideally, CLS should be below 0.1.

Google Core Web Vitals metrics were developed to evaluate the performance of web pages for Google and other search engines and use them in their ranking algorithms. Therefore, in order to have a top-ranking page, you should focus on performance metrics such as LCP, FID and CLS and take necessary precautions to optimize websites and pages.