TMO Cash Cereal SalesDurum wheat, bread wheat, barley, corn, rye, oats and triticale for sale..Those who request samples of shelled red lentils will be given samples at a price of 17.50 TL/Kg (excluding VAT).By our organization, the products of durum wheat, bread wheat, barley, corn, rye, oats and triticale will be freely sold in cash, without distinction of person or organization, as of 01 November 2023, on the basis of the principles stated below and at the prices specified in (Annex-2), red lentils and rice. It will be sold as of 01 November 2023, on the basis specified below and at the prices specified in (Annex-2). A) CEREAL SALES PROCEDURES AND PRINCIPLES: Our sales will be carried out through TMO Electronic Sales Platform (ESP) and applications will not be received in person (except for rye-oats and triticale) by our workplaces. For this reason, individuals and organizations that will apply for our sales must be members of the TMO Electronic Sales Platform (ESP), and those who will apply for ELÜS stocks must be members of both the TMO Electronic Sales Platform (ESP) and TÜRİB (Turkish Product Specialized Stock Exchange). The issue of whether additional manipulation and transportation fees will be charged for the sales to be made with this instruction is stated below the sales price tables in Annex-2. No additional manipulation fee will be charged for ELÜS sales. Requests received through the system will be distributed every week throughout November for the pasta wheat, bread wheat, barley and corn that will be sold through the Sales Platform. Stocks that are distributed upon request every week will be deducted from the stock screen that is available for sale the following week. In this context, the final deposit, delivery and settlement dates for the relevant products are stated below. TMO Deposit Last Deposit Date: 27 November 2023 Türib Clearing Last Transaction Date: 27 November 2023 Product Deadline: 15 December 2023 ELÜS pasta wheat, bread wheat, barley and corn, which will be distributed through the TMO Electronic Sales Platform, will be sent to Türib for exchange. As a result of the evaluation of the requests for the stocks in TMO warehouses, they will be delivered to the requesters who have deposited their money without waiting. Those who want to benefit from the sales can apply every week without any quantity limit. In order for all applicants to benefit from rye-triticale-oat sales, sales will not be made until 06 November 2023. If there is a high demand for the same stock until this date, distribution will be made by the relevant directorate. The last deposit date for rye-triticale-oat sales is 27 November 2023, and the last delivery date is 15 December 2023. In ELÜS sales, the product amount must be available in full in the investment account at the time the allocations are made through TÜRİB.B) RED LENTILS AND RICE: 1. Sales of Packaged Red Lentils and Rice. Taking into account the existing stocks of red lentils and rice, the Chief Directorates, in addition to retail sales, can sell up to 250 kg of rice and 500 kg of 1 kg of packaged red lentils to grocery stores and markets ( food retailers), public institutions and organization cafeterias and Chambers of Agriculture (to be sold only in sales markets) at wholesale current sales prices against a cash fee, and requests exceeding the specified amounts can be made by the Chief Directorates, with authorization from the General Directorate. These sales will also be reported to the Department of Commerce. The activity documents to be obtained from applicants who want to benefit from packaged product wholesale sales will be documents obtained after 01 October 2023. In our wholesale packaged product sales, a commitment will be taken from the buyers stating that they will not sell or transfer the products they purchase from our Organization wholesale to third parties and organizations (Annex-3). In wholesale packaged product sales to food retailers, a commitment (Annex-4) will be obtained stating that they will sell the packaged products to the final consumer at a maximum of our TMO retail sales prices. In wholesale and retail sales, priority will be given to old year crops. Businesses with insufficient stocks will not make wholesale sales in order to avoid disruptions in retail sales (These sales will be made after replenishing their stocks). These types of requests will be directed to the Head Offices closest to the hinterland and with available stock. Whether the companies to be sold wholesale are active (active/passive status) will be questioned from GGBS (Food Safety Information System) and only those that are active will be approved. PTTEM Technology and Electronic Services Inc. For sales made through the digital sales platform, packaged products will continue to be sold with our attached wholesale prices. 2. Sale of Shelled Red Lentils: 4 thousand tons of local shelled red lentils in the stocks of Batman General Directorate are offered for wholesale sale at the price in Annex-2, free of charge in cash, regardless of person or organization. The sale of shelled red lentils stocked in bulk will be made in bulk on the basis of truck delivery. Batman General Directorate is authorized for all works and transactions related to the sale of the lentils in question. The last deposit date for the shelled red lentils sold is 27 November 2023, and the last delivery date is 15 December 2023. Deliveries can be made to applicants who have deposited their money without waiting for the end of the deposit period. Those who request samples of shelled red lentils will be given samples at a price of 17.50 TL/Kg (excluding VAT).
Tarım haberleri
Yayınlanma: 11 Kasım 2023 - 18:38
Güncelleme: 16 Kasım 2023 - 19:32
TMO'dan hububat satışı..
Tarım haberleri
11 Kasım 2023 - 18:38
Güncelleme: 16 Kasım 2023 - 19:32