Kelly Clarkson has a special duet partner for the upcoming deluxe version of her Chemistry album: Her daughter, River Rose.“The chemistry (deluxe) album will be out September 22nd! = Pre -order and pre-save now at the link in bio,” Clarkson, 41, wrote via Instagram on Thursday, August 17.The American Idol champ’s link in bio directs to the not-yet-released Spotify, Amazon Prime and Apple Music pages for Chemistry (Deluxe). Per the tracklist on Apple Music, River Rose, 9, will be featured on Clarkson’s song “You Don’t Make Me Cry.”In June, Clarkson released the first version of Chemistry, which was primarily inspired by her messy divorce from Brandon Blackstock. Clarkson and the music manager, 46, were married for nearly seven years before she filed for divorce in June 2020. The twosome got into a heated legal battle over their assets, like her Montana residence where Blackstock was living, and custody of daughter River Rose and son Remington, 7. The proceedings were finalized in March 2022, with Clarkson retaining primary custody of their two children and agreeing to pay Blackstock a one-time sum of $1.3 million and $115,000 per month in spousal support until January 2024.Since many of the Chemistry lyrics were inspired by her breakup, Clarkson gave Blackstock a heads-up about the tracks. “We did have a little text exchange about it,” she said during an appearance on the Today show in June. “I don’t even remember why or how it happened, but I was like, ‘Hey, I didn’t just diminish us down to one [thing].’ You know what I’m saying? It’s all in there, the ride. The beauty is in there, as well. Now, there’s a lot of pain, but that’s what happens, for all of us.”Kelly Clarkson poses with River Rose in 2019Rich Fury/Getty ImagesBlackstock has not shared his thoughts on Chemistry, but River Rose and Remington are fast becoming fans of their mom’s music.“[I] don’t really listen to my stuff around [my kids]. So even my other stuff, I guess they were listening to my music with somebody else because my daughter asked to hear ‘Whole Lotta Woman’ and I was like, ‘How do you know that song?’” Clarkson said during a June appearance on the “Audacy Check-In” podcast. “But she wanted to say ‘ass’ really. She was like, ‘Can I sing ‘ass’? And I was like, ‘Only with me.’ I was like, ‘You can’t do this anywhere else.’”Clarkson — who is currently performing a residency in Las Vegas — noted her brood doesn’t really “jam” out to her songs. “We listen to a lot of Harry Styles and Aurora,” she explained.This article originally appeared on our sister site, Us Weekly.
Yayınlanma: 04 Eylül 2023 - 13:09
Güncelleme: 04 Eylül 2023 - 13:09
How old is Kelly Clarkson's daughter? Who has dueted with Kelly Clarkson? Did Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson do a duet? What happened to Kelly Clarkson's kids? Kelly Clarkson Sings Duet With 9-Year-Old Daughter River Rose on Deluxe 'Chemistry' Album
“The chemistry (deluxe) album will be out September 22nd! = Pre -order and pre-save now at the link in bio,” Clarkson, 41, wrote via Instagram on Thursday, August 17.
04 Eylül 2023 - 13:09
Güncelleme: 04 Eylül 2023 - 13:09